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Prerecorded Training

Complete training at a time that fits in with your busy schedule


Getting to Grips with Y2 Mathematics

A 60 minute prerecorded training session


A course for new or experienced Year 2 teachers who are looking to develop their practice and understanding of the Year 2 curriculum.


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Developing Number Bonds within 20 in KS1

A 70 minute prerecorded training session


If children can readily recall number bonds within 20, then the move to formal written calculation reduces the cognitive load. These bonds form the basis of calculation and in this 70 minute training, we will consider strategies and key structures to support this development.


This course is suitable for KS1 teachers, teaching assistants, new to year group and NQT’s as well as subject leaders looking for an overview of KS1 calculation.



Getting KS2 Arithmetic to Stick

A 60 minute prerecorded training session


This training explores what it means to be mathematically fluent and considers the key skills needed to be successful at arithmetic in relation to the end of KS2 SATs.



Exploring Key Ideas in Mathematics in

Years 5 & 6

A 60 minute prerecorded training session


This training will explore key mathematics and pedagogical ideas for years 5 and 6, underpinned by the aims of the national curriculum and the five big ideas of teaching for mastery.


In particular, the training will focus on supporting children to develop a conceptual understanding of fractions and decimals and consider manipulatives that can be used to further strengthen understanding. This is an important topic which connects with children’s understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages and multiplicative thinking.


This CPD opportunity would be suitable for new and experienced teachers and TAs in years 5 and 6 as well as subject leaders of mathematics.


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Introduction to

Bar Modelling

A 75 minute prerecorded training session


A course for teachers and TA's in Years 1-6 as well as subject leaders looking to develop a whole school approach. This is an introduction to the use of bar modelling as a method of supporting children in moving from a concrete to an abstract approach.



Developing a Love for Algebra

A 75 minute prerecorded training session


How do we make a start on algebra in primary schools? It can often seem the most abstract aspect of mathematics, with little relevance to our daily lives.


The Primary National Curriculum for Mathematics has ambitious demands in terms of pupil understanding of algebraic ideas.


This course will identify aspects of algebra, the links with number and offers thought-provoking activities to support the development of a love of algebra across the primary school.


Suitable for KS2 teachers and subject leaders.



Progression in Fractions in KS2

A 60 minute prerecorded training session


Data for KS2 SATs identifies fractions as an area that children find difficult to secure each year.  How can we build a secure progression that really supports children to make better connections between fractions and the rest of the number system?


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Establishing the Foundations in Place Value

A 60 minute prerecorded training session


Understanding place value allows children to unlock large and small numbers, as well as calculating. So, ensuring that children are secure with place value is paramount to building a firm foundation on which to link other areas of mathematics. 

This training would be suitable for teachers and TAs in Years 1-4 as well as subject leaders of mathematics.


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Progression in Teaching Multiplication in KS2

A 60 minute prerecorded training session


From times tables to formal written methods, the training will explore the key ideas behind multiplication; delving into concrete, pictorial and abstract representations, as well as the key laws of mathematics- what are they and why are they important?



Exploring Key Ideas in Mathematics in

Years 3 & 4

A 70 minute prerecorded training session


This 70 minute training will explore key mathematics and pedagogical ideas for years 3 and 4, underpinned by the aims of the national curriculum and the five big ideas of teaching for mastery.


In particular, the training will focus on considering the big idea of equivalence and how representations that look different can all be linked to the same underlying mathematical idea to support mental calculation.


This CPD opportunity would be suitable for new and experienced teachers and TAs in years 3 and 4 as well as subject leaders of mathematics.


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