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PSHE Education

Keep up-to-date with developments in PSHE with our termly network meetings and wellbeing training.


Are you OFSTED Ready
for PSHE?
(Online Zoom)

20th May 2024 - 09:15-11:45

Online (Zoom)

This course will support you to evaluate the effectiveness of PSHE education (including, statutory Relationships and Health education) within your school. During the session we will consider a best practice approach to the subject.


£60 per delegate


Creating a 2024-25 Subject Leader Action Plan for
PSHE Education
(Online Zoom)

11th September 2024 - 16:00-17:15

Online (Zoom)

This online twilight session will support subject leaders to review their current position with PSHE education and develop an effective action plan for the new academic year.

The session will include a checklist of the key aspects of PSHE that schools should have in place including those which are a legal requirement.


£50 per delegate


SMSC and British Values in the Primary School
(Online Zoom)

26th March 2025- 09:15-11:45

Online (Zoom)

This online course will consider Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development including British Values in the Primary School. We will consider the Ofsted framework for these areas and look at practical ways to implement them in the classroom and in wider school life.


£60 per delegate


Sustainability and the Environment
(Online Zoom)

6th June 2024 - 09:15-11:45

Online (Zoom)

This online training will focus on the environment and sustainability as part of citizenship education and wider school life. We will consider how you can take a whole school approach to tackling this topic which is of both interest and concern to many children.


£60 per delegate


Running an Effective
School Council
(Online Zoom)

12th September 2024 - 09:15-11:45

Online (Zoom)

School councils are a recognised way to gather pupil voice information that can be used to inform school improvement. They also provide the ideal vehicle to introduce children to democracy (one of the Fundamental British Values).

During this online session, we will consider how to run an effective school council to ensure that all children are involved and that they can have an impact on various aspects of school life.


£60 per delegate


Beyond the School Council- Making Pupil Voice Meaningful
(Online Zoom)

2nd April 2025- 09:15-11:45

Online (Zoom)

This online session is designed to widen pupil voice beyond the school council. We will look at the reasons for developing effective pupil voice in schools and consider ways in which it can be implemented. We will look at a range of practical strategies that can be used and how we can ensure we are inclusive of all groups in the school community.


£60 per delegate


Summer PSHE Network Meeting
(Online Zoom)

13th June 2024 - 13:30-15:30

Online (Zoom)

These termly online sessions will provide opportunities for you to consider the very latest developments in the teaching and learning of PSHE Education. They will encourage reflection on your own setting and your next steps in leading to further improve the quality of PSHE teaching and learning.


£60 per delegate


Developing the Role of the Staff Wellbeing Champion
(Online Zoom)

9th October 2024 - 09:15-11:45

Online (Zoom)

Staff wellbeing is increasingly recognised as a key factor in running a successful school and in retaining highly skilled and valued staff.  It can, however, be a complex area to address and needs a consistent approach within the school. 

This online course will support a member of staff to be a ‘Staff Wellbeing Champion’. The role is flexible within each setting but, in essence, the champion will be a first point of contact for wellbeing and will lead initiatives to ensure an ongoing focus on this important topic.


£60 per delegate

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